Monday, April 12, 2010

April Showers

Being Showered with LOVE this April is making life so special. Not lots of sewing going on here, but lots of warm family gatherings have made my heart so joyous. My plants are growing and so are all the children around me, I just love the coming of Spring. All of the hermets and winter time haters, come alive with the lovely weather and sunny days. Tip of the Day ladies, *Learn to prioritize! As if that is my cup of tea...uhhhh, well.... I'm still learning. Let's get our work done to make our homes happy and minimize the stress. Like Mom always told us, "Get your chores done first, and then you can go out and play" Guess that carries over into adulthood! yikes. Well, lets all pray we can be good girls today and get our chores done!
Started a few dresses to get the spring collection going. Have to make some hair accessories to match. Where does the time go, I must say "NO" to all of invitations to coffee?  Saying "NO" can be difficult, but I MUST GET TO WORK, May is coming quickly!